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Автор Тема: Синхронизированный перевод с английского на русский  (Прочитано 49 раз)

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Возраст: 48
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Город: Смоленск
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SMF 2.0.15, Simple Portal 2.3.7

Синхронизированный перевод с английского на русский
« : 08 Октября 2018, 14:58:14 »

$txt['oasl_default'] = 'Default';
$txt['oasl_follow_twitter'] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Follow us on Twitter</a> to stay informed about updates';
$txt['oasl_read_documentation'] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Read the online documentation</a> for more information';
$txt['oasl_contact_us'] = '<a href="" target="_blank">Contact us</a> if you have feedback or need assistance';
$txt['oasl_other_plugins'] = 'We also have turnkey plugins for <a href="" target="_blank">WordPress, Drupal, phpBB and Joomla</a> amongst others';

$txt['oasl_api_connection_handler'] = 'API Connection Handler';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_method'] = 'API Connection Handler:';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_use_curl'] = 'Use PHP CURL to communicate with the OneAll API';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_use_curl_desc'] = 'Using CURL is recommended but it might be disabled on some servers';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_use_fsockopen'] = 'Use PHP FSOCKOPEN to communicate with the OneAll API';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_use_fsockopen_desc'] = 'Try using FSOCKOPEN if you encounter any problems with CURL';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_port'] = 'API Connection Port:';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_port_80'] = 'Communication via HTTP on port 80';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_port_80_desc'] = 'Using port 80 is a bit faster and does not require OpenSSL to be installed';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_port_443'] = 'Communication via HTTPS on port 443';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_port_443_desc'] = 'Using port 443 is more secure than using port 80 but you might have to install OpenSSL on your server';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_autodetect'] = 'Click here to autodetect the API Connection Handler';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_autodetect_success'] = 'The API Connection Handler has been detected and updated successfully!';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_autodetect_error'] = 'Autodetection Error! Please install PHP CURL and allow outbound requests on port 80 or 443 in your firewall.';
$txt['oasl_api_connection_autodetect_wait'] = 'The autodetection can take a couple of seconds ...';

$txt['oasl_api_settings'] = 'API Settings';
$txt['oasl_api_credentials'] = 'API Credentials:';
$txt['oasl_api_credentials_get'] = 'Click here to create and view your API Credentials';
$txt['oasl_api_subdomain'] = 'API Subdomain:';
$txt['oasl_api_public_key'] = 'API Public Key:';
$txt['oasl_api_private_key'] = 'API Private Key:';

$txt['oasl_api_verify'] = 'Click here to verify the API Settings';
$txt['oasl_api_verify_success'] =  'The API Settings have been verified and updated successfully!';
$txt['oasl_api_verify_missing'] = 'You have to fill out all of the fields before verifying your settings.';
$txt['oasl_api_verify_error_handler'] = 'The API connection could not be established. Please try to use the autodetection above.';
$txt['oasl_api_verify_error_subdomain'] = 'The subdomain does not exist. Have you filled it out correctly?';
$txt['oasl_api_verify_error_syntax'] = 'The subdomain has an invalid syntax.';
$txt['oasl_api_verify_error_keys'] = 'The subdomain is correct but one or both keys are invalid.';
$txt['oasl_api_verify_wait'] = 'The verification can take a couple of seconds ...';

$txt['oasl_enable_networks'] = 'Enable the social networks that you would like to use';
$txt['oasl_enable']  = 'Enable';

$txt['oasl_settings'] = 'Additional Settings';
$txt['oasl_settings_login_text'] = 'Use the following description on the login page:';
$txt['oasl_settings_register_text'] = 'Use the following description on the registration page:';

$txt['oasl_settings_profile_text'] = 'Use the following title on the users\' profile pages:';
$txt['oasl_settings_profile_desc'] = 'Use the following description on the users\' profile pages:';

$txt['oasl_settings_allow_login_new'] = 'Allow the registration of new users through the login page?';
$txt['oasl_settings_allow_login_new_desc'] = 'If this option is disabled, then NEW users may not register with Social Login on the login page; they first need to connect through the registration page.';
$txt['oasl_settings_allow_login_new_yes'] = 'Yes, allow new users to signup with Social Login on the login page too.';

$txt['oasl_settings_reg_method'] = 'Method of registration employed for new members?';
$txt['oasl_settings_reg_method_desc'] = 'Manual approval should not be required as Social Login eliminates SPAM issues almost entirely.';
$txt['oasl_settings_reg_method_auto'] = 'Automatically approve users that register with Social Login ';
$txt['oasl_settings_reg_method_system'] = 'Use the system-wide setting from Administration \ Registration  \ Settings.';
$txt['oasl_settings_reg_method_email'] = 'Use email activation (New users receive an email with an activation link).';
$txt['oasl_settings_reg_method_admin'] = 'Use admin approval (New users have to be approved by an administrator).';
$txt['oasl_settings_reg_method_disable'] = 'Registration of new members is disabled.';

$txt['oasl_settings_social_avatar'] = 'Use the user picture from the social network as forum avatar?';
$txt['oasl_settings_social_avatar_desc'] = 'Only works with social networks that provide a user picture.';
$txt['oasl_settings_social_avatar_yes'] = 'Yes, use the social network pictures as avatars.';

$txt['oasl_settings_social_avatar_upload'] = 'Download the avatars from the social networks and store them in your SMF avatar folder?';
$txt['oasl_settings_social_avatar_upload_desc'] = 'Only works if avatar uploads are enabled in your SMF Attachments and Avatars » Avatar Settings.';
$txt['oasl_settings_social_avatar_upload_yes'] = 'Yes, download and store the social network avatars.';

$txt['oasl_settings_social_link'] = 'Try to link new social network accounts to existing user accounts?';
$txt['oasl_settings_social_link_desc'] = 'For security reasons this only works with social networks that provide a <strong>verified</strong> email address.';
$txt['oasl_settings_social_link_yes'] = 'Yes, try to link accounts by using the email addresses.';

$txt['oasl_settings_ask_for_email'] = 'Ask new users to enter their email address manually if it is not provided by the social network?';
$txt['oasl_settings_ask_for_email_desc'] = 'Some social networks (i.e Twitter) do not provide their user\'s email addresses. In this case the plugin can either ask the user to enter the email address manually, or create a placeholder email.';
$txt['oasl_settings_ask_for_email_no'] = 'No, do not ask and create a placeholder email address to simplify the registration';
$txt['oasl_settings_ask_for_email_yes'] = 'Yes, ask the user to enter his email address manually';

$txt['oasl_register_title'] = 'Review and complete your account information';
$txt['oasl_register_connected'] = 'You have successfully connected with <strong>{provider}</strong>!';
$txt['oasl_register_complete_profile'] = 'Please take a minute to review and complete your account information. Once your account has been created, you can use <strong>{provider}</strong> to sign in with one click.';
$txt['oasl_register_email'] = 'Email Address';
$txt['oasl_register_email_public'] = 'Allow users to email me';
$txt['oasl_register_confirm'] = 'Continue';
$txt['oasl_register_errors'] = 'The following errors were detected. Please correct them to continue';
$txt['oasl_register_email_empty'] = 'Please enter your email address';
$txt['oasl_register_email_exists'] = 'The specified email address is already used by another user';
$txt['oasl_register_email_invalid'] = 'The specified email address is invalid';

$txt['oasl_save_settings'] = 'Save Settings';
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