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Автор Тема: PrincessNikki - Little men and his friend eat my shit (ScatShop.com)  (Прочитано 560 раз)
Хуан Термигло
(ака mitya, Бывший гуру)

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PrincessNikki - Little men and his friend eat my shit (ScatShop.com)
« : 08 Сентября 2019, 13:18:07 »

PrincessNikki - Little men and his friend eat my shit

Название: PrincessNikki - Little men and his friend eat my shit
Жанр: Scat, Piss, Big shit, Toys, Eat shit, Drink pee, Domination, Smearing
Продолжительность: 00:08:20
Описание: Little men.. You are so weak, i can blow you away. I could bite and swallow you. Or trample on you if i wanted.. But i want you alive.. I want to put you in my smelly asshole and shit you out.. This is so humiliating….
Little men’s best friend had to watch everything from the corner.. He was kneeling there in the dirty, cold corner sad and naked with fear in his heart.. But i dragged him out and explained that his fear will come true.. He will be treated the same way as his friend. I will pee and shit in his mouth, and he has to swallow it.. To show my deep opinion about him i also shit on the little cock. I do all this in front of my pretty friends, so its even more humiliating...

Формат: MP4
Качество: DVDRip
Разрешение: 1920x1080
Размер: 1.23 Гб


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