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Автор Тема: Luna Lain - Stolen Toilet Slave. 2020  (Прочитано 250 раз)

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Luna Lain - Stolen Toilet Slave. 2020
« : 12 Августа 2020, 18:41:37 »

Are you wondering why you are shrunk in my toilet? I’m an evil witch who shrinks men and commands them to ass worship my tight butt. your friend lasted 12 days before ratting you out as his replacement.
I peel my black pantyhose for ass spreading so my asshole puckers in your face. After I go to the bathroom, you need to clean my ass hole. This is where you belong and I humiliate your inferiority.
Coming back later, I congratulate you for making it 2 weeks as my toilet slave. Hope I didn’t scare you when I had two step-brothers sucking my ass. They weren’t a good ass slave like you and didn’t make it.
I’m bored with you. Open your mouth for your last meal. I’m shrinking you down more and flushing you down the toilet!
Title:   Luna Lain - Stolen Toilet Slave.mp4 - 447 MiB
Time:   12mn 26s
Res.:   1280 x 720 - 29.970 fps

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