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Автор Тема: DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Танцующий медведь! Шоу для девочек! (125 роликов в HD)  (Прочитано 14773 раз)
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Танцующий медведь! Шоу для девочек! (125 роликов в HD)
« : 09 Апреля 2011, 15:32:25 »

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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #1 : 10 Апреля 2011, 07:18:46 »

Blowing A Man Out Of Uniform

All units respond, The Bear suite is missing. Last week I guess, Sebastian left his bear suite at a girls hows and someone nabbed it. So to however took our shit and tried to ruin all the fun, all I have to say is fuck you the show will still go on. It's not the suite that makes the show. Its not the guys, its not even the liquor. It is the simple fact that these girls are just as horny as us guys, and like us, they will cheat on their men at any chance. We showed up at this nice little birthday bash and told the hostess we didn't have the bear so we had to flip the script. While telling her the new plan she was like, "If we got hot men with big packages, I don't give a shit." So there you go. You cant stop this crew. If they are ready to party we will strip for them, if they are salivating we'll let them suck us, and if they are hot and horny we will for sure fuck them.

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Оригинальное название: Blowing A Man Out Of Uniform
Дата выхода: 25.10.2008
Разрешение: 1024х768
Продолжительность: 0:50:29
Размер: 1,09 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 15 Декабря 2013, 09:15:20 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #2 : 10 Апреля 2011, 07:22:14 »

The Strip Show Of Her Life

Some girls go all out for any old birthday. Like these girls, and talking to most of them actually got there boyfriends to pay for the party that was no guys allowed, except for our buff ass strippers of course. I would almost be ashamed of accepting the cash if I wasn't having such good time watching these girls whore out all over the guys, and these chicks spent some cash on this shit too. They rented a bar with the liquor included. Got snacks catered, I mean they actually got a band! Whatever, it's free money for them to spend cheating on their men, but what should I care about there loose morals when I am exploiting it, right?

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Оригинальное название: The Strip Show Of Her Life
Дата выхода: 08.11.2008
Разрешение: 1024х768
Продолжительность: 0:37:34
Размер: 832 Mb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:02:00 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #3 : 10 Апреля 2011, 07:25:43 »

The Stripping Bears House Call

One of the funny things about this traveling freak show is that the bear has to show up wherever he goes in costume. So nothing amuses me more then these downtown house calls, where we have to park blocks away and Sebastian would have to get suited up and make a long trek to the party in full costume. The attention we got on the way to our gigs would killed me, Anyways this was one of those days. When we finally got to the condo Sebastian was still revving to go we were welcomed by about 12 college grad aged girls crowded into a small living room. As we got the show going we figured every one was a little more then we could handle, cause as soon as we started none of the girls could stay in there seats I didn't know if we brought enough guys to satisfy considering we couldn't keep these girls in there seats. Once the guys got started these drunk chicks were all over my homies, like flies on honey. Groping, licking and sucking at any chance available. by the end of the show both the guys got tipped. One by fucking the birthday girl and the other blown by her best friend. Enjoy the show.

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Оригинальное название: The Stripping Bears House Call
Дата выхода: 22.11.2008
Разрешение: 1024х768
Продолжительность: 0:28:09
Размер: 624 Mb

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« Последнее редактирование: 15 Декабря 2013, 09:16:41 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #4 : 10 Апреля 2011, 07:29:24 »

Stripper House Call

I never understand why the girls insist on the pizza delivery routine I mean when was the last time a Bear rang your bell with a large pepperoni. I offer this service but I didn't realize how ridiculous it was until I watched these guys do it a million times. Anyways this was another pizza show which means on top of the the guys regular dance the bring along some dildos and whipped cream for some extra party tricks. The girls got to lick our boys clean after they covered there cocks with the tasty treat. This tactic seems to get more girls willing to suck the guys' dicks, in turn making a much wilder party filled with horny sluts sharing two guys tell they are drained of every last drop.

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Stripper House Call
Дата выхода: 06.12.2008
Разрешение: 1024х768
Продолжительность: 0:32:30
Размер: 720 Mb

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« Последнее редактирование: 15 Декабря 2013, 09:17:05 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #5 : 10 Апреля 2011, 09:21:48 »

Lana's Last Day Of Debauchery

Yes, another bachelorette making another step into the boring land for this hot ass bride to be. There is no better reason to call us up. We will give you the party of your life. We will give you the full monty. And yes, you can touch us. And if your hot we will fuck you. No strings attached. Our game is letting these girls have there one last blow out while while they are blowing us. it's a dirty job.

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Lana's Last Day Of Debauchery
Дата выхода: 03.01.2009
Разрешение: 1024х768
Продолжительность: 0:27:32
Размер: 610 Mb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:02:35 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #6 : 10 Апреля 2011, 18:29:08 »

Strippers On The Blonde

A stack of bills, a little booze, and dark club all these are things when put together gives you a good night. Then make it a girls night out and call us in and you have a once in a life time experience. Like this night here. I don't who is going to marry this blonde but he is going to have his hands full with this one. I hope he wont mind here sampling strange dick on a regular bases. She seemed to be the ring leader of this sexual lunacy. You know the type that can find trouble anywhere. Being that it, was her big night she got the first taste of both strippers then insisted on Jonny getting a taste of her going back and forth licking and sucking each other putting on an impromptu sex show for all her friends, inspiring a few of the other girls to practically ravage Sebastian until he could not say no to taking the soon to be bride's best friend to the back for a good fucking.

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Оригинальное название: Strippers On The Blonde
Дата выхода: 17.01.2009
Разрешение: 640x480 (в HD ролик на сайте с браком, без последних 5 минут)
Продолжительность: 0:46:38
Размер: 533 Mb

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« Последнее редактирование: 24 Апреля 2016, 11:03:49 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #7 : 10 Апреля 2011, 18:43:06 »

Give The Gift Of Dick

I don't know who these girls know or how we got away with it but this was an off night of a normal club. When we got to the address and saw this was a regular night. The guys got a little nervous. This is a public place there will be guys and girls showing up to a bit more then they bargained but what the hell the show must go on and the outsiders watching the party didn't stop these vixens from taking all they wanted from our guys during this 21st birthday celebration. So all the innocent patrons got to watch these girls let out all their sexual antics on the guys sucking both of my boys silly and even fucking Jonny right there in the VIP in plane view. But come to think of it whats the difference I am showing you now.

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Give The Gift Of Dick
Дата выхода: 31.01.2009
Разрешение: 1024х768
Продолжительность: 0:27:20
Размер: 606 Mb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:03:05 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #8 : 10 Апреля 2011, 18:51:26 »

Thirty Girls And A Cup

I am in awe. Alright this was amazing. She drank it! She actually drank cum out of a glass!!! I am sure this girls is not unique, but she certainly gave us a show. On top of our routine Rick told me he wanted to do. He had seen some CFNM stuff online, so he wanted to to jerk off in front of the all the hot ass girls in to a cup and give it the Birthday Girl. Oddly enough, we all thought it was a cool idea so we went for it. So, everyone did there regular routine... stripping sucking and fucking and what not. Then it got to the moment of truth and Rick busted his nut in the cup. That's when all the girls started chanting. At first I couldn't tell what they were saying. Then I saw her jokingly move the cup to her mouth, and I realize the words were "Drink it. Drink it" and she does. All I can say is... Awesome!!!

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Thirty Girls And A Cup
Дата выхода: 14.02.2009
Разрешение: 852x480
Продолжительность: 0:51:32
Размер: 590 Mb

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« Последнее редактирование: 01 Февраля 2020, 18:08:41 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #9 : 10 Апреля 2011, 18:57:06 »

A Party And A Plate Of Cum

Let me introduce you guys to Rick... Rick the Dick. Rick is my trainer, not the sharpest knife in the drawer but the ladies love his body. One night at the gym I was avoiding my next set so I was trying to distract him by telling about the parties I have been working and the all the crazy shit going down behind close doors. Rick, thinking I was full of shit tried to call me on it by betting me five hundred dollars against it. So, with bet in hand I told him if I am not full of shit you have to perform and quickly he agreed. After the workout I took him back to my truck and showed him the tapes. Always a man of his word, he agreed to the next show on the condition that he doesn't show his face. Thinking he was going to back out I agreed and told him to get a mask and to work out a routine. When the day of the shoot cam around he actually showed, so I asked to see his act before he goes out there and makes a fool of himself. Wanting the show to be a surprise he refused and introduced me to a couple more guys that wanted in on the action. What the hell, I added them to the roster and started the show with RICK THE DICK. I couldn't believe it. My good friend and trainer hoped out on stage with nothing but a flag and a Mexican wrestling mask. You will have to watch this shoot to really appreciate this crazy scene. But, all in all this party was the biggest hit yet and all the guys got some out on stage with everyone watching. It was like an ultimate CFNM wet dream. Rick got some play from all the girls then jerked off onto a plate for the Bachelorette. Then the two newcomers came out with a little dance routine and found some girls willing to jerk there cocks and another hot milf decided to blow one of them silly. This just turned the house upside down by the time the main event came around giving the bear and the trainer a run for their money.

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: A Party And A Plate Of Cum
Дата выхода: 28.02.2009
Разрешение: 1280х720
Продолжительность: 0:57:46
Размер: 1,25 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:03:35 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #10 : 10 Апреля 2011, 19:03:50 »

Kendra's Bachelorette Party

Kendra has the best friends, They were cool enough to send her off to the alter in style. Closing out her single days with the highest paid party I had ever received. These girls called me telling me they wanted a full service show. Not sure what they meant, I asked them to meet up to discuss what exactly they wanted and you wouldn't believe what kind of shit they expected to get out my guys. She told me Kendra and her friends tend to get a little wild when they party, claiming this is a huge contrast to there real lives as secretaries and uptight acting professionals. So I explained that all my guys are cool and are willing to have a good time. That being said, the day of the festivities arrived and we got to see these girls in action. 5 guys and 30 girls you couldn't leave that room with out at least a blow job and every one of my boys came threw, especially Sebastian who got to nail a hot blonde in the back. Captured all on my trusty new HD camera.

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Kendra's Bachelorette Party
Дата выхода: 14.03.2009
Разрешение: 852х480
Продолжительность: 0:55:46
Размер: 637 Mb

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« Последнее редактирование: 15 Декабря 2013, 09:22:23 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #11 : 10 Апреля 2011, 19:28:37 »

Crazy Ass Male Review

Talk about a lucky score of hottie's! We had a slow week so we decided to just throw or own Party dubbing it the 1st annual dancing bear review, which was a huge success. We rented a local bar for the night and managed get the word out enough to fill every seat in the house with a bunch of wild girls. They turned out to be more ready party and gave us a better show than we could ever give them. Being that we wanted to get a huge word of mouth out, we rocked this party hard with the hole Dancing Bear crew amped up on energy drinks. The party got worked up pretty fast, meaning these chicks got a little touchy-feely in the first five minutes. it was a beautiful site hundreds of little chick hands grabbing at each guy and half as many hungry mouths salivating for their turn to taste our some cock. You would be surprised at how many of these girls are just as horny as the average guy when put in the right environment. This is one episode not to miss. check it out.

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Crazy Ass Male Review
Дата выхода: 11.04.2009
Разрешение: 1280х720
Продолжительность: 01:00:03
Размер: 1,29 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:04:08 от TimTailer » Записан
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« Ответ #12 : 10 Апреля 2011, 19:34:40 »

Blow Job Frenzy

Another wonderful day for the dancing bear crew. We blew it out today with a nightclub full of hot and horny college girls looking for a good time and don't care who knows it. These girls got nutty once the guys bared all so to speak. I don't even know after watching this shit how many mouths touched our cocks in this update it seemed like everyone wanted to get in on the action. Blondes, Latinas, Ebony girls,and Milfs they all got down and with or stripper boys on this one. However, the part that got me going was this hot ass Latin chick that wouldn't let Rick go until she got every drop of his man juice. Enjoy this installment.

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Blow Job Frenzy
Дата выхода: 20.05.2009
Разрешение: 1280х768
Продолжительность: 01:28:13
Размер: 1,89 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:04:38 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #13 : 10 Апреля 2011, 19:40:49 »

Fully Nude Birthday Party

I couldn't resist doing it, I know it might seem cheesy but who wouldn't love a real live dick in a box. I wish I could take the blame for this one but Johny is the one that showed up with box in hand ready to give the gift of cock, so he took the lead into the office full of hot professional women using Viv's birthday as an excuse to cut loose for this private male review. He was the new guy on the crew but he fit right in swinging his dick around letting each of these chicks take turns checking him out with there eyes, hands and mouths. followed up by both Rick the Dick and the Bear show this proved to be an awesome addition to vault, enjoy

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Fully Nude Birthday Party
Дата выхода: 03.06.2009
Разрешение: 1280х768
Продолжительность: 01:37:51
Размер: 2,1 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 24 Апреля 2016, 11:05:49 от TimTailer » Записан
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« Ответ #14 : 10 Апреля 2011, 19:44:52 »

Male Stripper Review Blowout

Hey Guys, I was so happy about the response of the site that I jumped on to this shoot I had sitting on my shelf for about a month. This party was so hardcore and the male strippers loved it. I got to assist but don't worry there are more parties like this to come in fact I was just booked for three diffrent clubs. so rest easy we will get more drunk party girls like these to wow you with what they do in front of there friends once the lights turn low the music turns up and the get a long cock waving in there face. Enjoy this one everybody and look out for the next ones to come. Click here to join and see all our videos.

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Male Stripper Review Blowout
Дата выхода: 17.06.2009
Разрешение: 1280х768
Продолжительность: 01:00:14
Размер: 1,29 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 24 Апреля 2016, 11:06:20 от TimTailer » Записан
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« Ответ #15 : 10 Апреля 2011, 19:48:57 »

Another Man For The Ladys

I am Proud to bring you Emerge. This is one cool cat and I will be using him again it seems all the girls love him, and thats good for what I want to see. Ladies of all types going crazy horny over a guy for a change.I mean how often have you been in a club and watched all the girls chasing on guy like the last piece of meat on the planet. Watching these girls compete for this guys attention was a beautiful thing especially when they would play with his cock in front of everyone with out any shame I knew i had to get this guy back foir a few more shows so expect toi see allot more of this guy in future shoots.  

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Another Man For The Ladys
Дата выхода: 01.07.2009
Разрешение: 1280х768
Продолжительность: 01:23:56
Размер: 1,80 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:05:07 от TimTailer » Записан
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« Ответ #16 : 10 Апреля 2011, 19:53:19 »

Lady's Night Blow Out

It's another Lady's Night and we only know how to go big. We got our hands on a local strip club and took over for a night to let some horny drunk girls have the night of their lives. All these girls left their boyfriends at home to attend one wild bachelorette party and let loose just like they do lusting all over my buddies who bare all and give it all up for these wild ladies. I need to teach some one else to shoot this cause it is killing me seeing all the guys being pawed at and sucked on and me not getting any for myself. Any Volunteers. Click here to join and see all our videos.

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Lady's Night Blow Out
Дата выхода: 15.07.2009
Разрешение: 1280х720
Продолжительность: 01:36:45
Размер: 2,49 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 24 Апреля 2016, 11:08:03 от TimTailer » Записан
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« Ответ #17 : 10 Апреля 2011, 20:53:17 »

The Horny Bride

Episode: It's another Dancing Bear blow out. This time, we got our hands on a local bar, packed it with it ladies and introduced them to our crew. We added some new players to the line up and the girls just couldn't keep their hands (or mouths) off of our studs. All these girls left their inhibitions at home and let their dick lusting minds run wild. It was straight pandaemonium these chicks had cock sucking fever and they all caught the bug.

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: The Horny Bride
Дата выхода: 29.07.2009
Разрешение: 1280х768
Продолжительность: 02:15:24
Размер: 2,91 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:45:46 от TimTailer » Записан
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« Ответ #18 : 10 Апреля 2011, 20:56:59 »

Dick In A Box

Were back again with another nutty episode. This time we changed it up a little bit and had some of our studs come out with a little present for the ladies. Their Dicks! (in a box). Needless to say when the ladies saw what was inside their jaws hit the floor, and that's exactly where we wanted them. Our studs got plenty of play from their adoring fans. We kicked this party into high gear and left some face's sloppy, but hey it's just another week with the amazing dancing bear.

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Оригинальное название: Dick In A Box
Дата выхода: 11.08.2009
Разрешение: 1280х768
Продолжительность: 01:35:29
Размер: 2,05 Gb

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« Ответ #19 : 10 Апреля 2011, 21:00:31 »

Strip Club Debauchery

What happens when you get a packed strip club full of really hot, really horny girls? THIS!! These girls didn't hold back at all! This was a ball fondling, dick sucking, cum catching good time! Have you ever wanted to see a midget jester get sucked off by a really hot blonde? What about two ridiculously gorgeous hotties making out and slapping each others asses? OF COURSE! This is what really happens when women get salami sandwiches dangled in front of their faces!

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Strip Club Debauchery
Дата выхода: 26.08.2009
Разрешение: 1280х768
Продолжительность: 01:48:48
Размер: 3,40 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:55:47 от TimTailer » Записан
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« Ответ #20 : 10 Апреля 2011, 21:04:11 »

Enough Cum To Ice The Cake

DAMN These girls know how to throw a birthday party for their fellow friend and co-worker! We got one of our guys to infiltrate the office as a package boy, and once he was in, shit got pretty hardcore! This was one hell of a birthday party, complete with dick sucking, dick sucking and more dick sucking. These girls seemed pretty tame at first, but they quickly turned into cum hungry life suckers in no time. I think ALL the girls got their birthday wish. Check out the video!!

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Enough Cum To Ice The Cake
Дата выхода: 09.09.2009
Разрешение: 1280х768
Продолжительность: 01:09:48
Размер: 1,5 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:05:56 от TimTailer » Записан
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DANCINGBEAR.COM [SiteRip] Стриптиз-шоу для девчонок!!! (62 ролика в HD / 100 Gb)
« Ответ #21 : 10 Апреля 2011, 21:07:38 »

The Bachelorette & The Bear

It's such a myth that girls don't have crazy fucking bachelorette parties like guys do. Screw the shower, the wedding and everything else, this is what the girls are really looking forward to. We were lucky enough to throw a party for the soon to be married Jenny and her friends, and they turned out to be some very nice, wholesome, cock loving young ladies. Seriously, you never know what a good girl is going to do once she has a dick in her face, and it's our job to find out!

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: The Bachelorette & The Bear
Дата выхода: 23.09.2009
Разрешение: 1280х720
Продолжительность: 01:26:47
Размер: 2,24 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:56:22 от TimTailer » Записан
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« Ответ #22 : 10 Апреля 2011, 21:10:58 »

The Bear Makes A House Call

Wow! This one is really crazy. So this chick I knew from High School, Jessica just found some sorry jerk off that's willing to marry her. (Clearly he didn't know her reputation around the locker room.) So I knew things were going to get nutty at her bachelorette party and I asked her if we could film it. At first she was hesitant but after I promised her free entertainment and she saw a couple of pictures of our boys she was game. Needless to say these chicks were ready to party.

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: The Bear Makes A House Call
Дата выхода: 07.10.2009
Разрешение: 1280х768
Продолжительность: 0:50:45
Размер: 1,09 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 08 Апреля 2019, 17:59:15 от TimTailer » Записан
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« Ответ #23 : 10 Апреля 2011, 21:14:09 »

Biggest Bachelorette Party Ever

We wanted to give Leesha one more night of wild fun before she got married, and wow did this party deliver! We were able to get about 70 horny girls packed into the club, and they FEASTED on our guys! Phoenix, Sebastian, Jonny and Scorpio put on a show for the ladies, and they returned the favor by draining them of all their bodily fluids! I don't think I've ever seen so many horny, ready and willing girls in one place before! Check out the tape!!

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Biggest Bachelorette Party Ever
Дата выхода: 21.10.2009
Разрешение: 1280х768
Продолжительность: 01:47:58
Размер: 2,31 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:57:30 от TimTailer » Записан
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« Ответ #24 : 10 Апреля 2011, 21:17:43 »

Where's Your Fiance

We got in on another great bachelorette party this week, filled with hot young and horny ladies. Phoenix greeted the women with the long arm of the law and these girls were ready to party and ready to suck on some hard nightsticks. The girls made a mess getting whipped cream and cum all over the place! I'm glad we didn't have to clean up! Everyone loves the bear!

Информация о ролике:
Оригинальное название: Where's Your Fiance
Дата выхода: 04.11.2009
Разрешение: 1280х768
Продолжительность: 01:16:18
Размер: 1,63 Gb

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« Последнее редактирование: 30 Января 2024, 08:58:05 от TimTailer » Записан
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