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Автор Тема: Bangkok G Story (Thai, EngSub) - без перевода  (Прочитано 101 раз)
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Bangkok G Story (Thai, EngSub) - без перевода
« : 08 Июня 2020, 13:46:20 »

Humorous series telling the sexual adventures and misadventures of three gay friends in Bangkok, including "G" who lands straight from the province.

This includes the 20-episode original series and the 3 episode followup. It begins with random humorous encounters, but develops a real story as it goes along.

Unlike so many shows aimed mainly at straight women, this show is unapologetically gay. The characters are gay, they are very much part of the gay community, they behave like gay men. The ads and product placement are aimed at gay men, including bars, chat lines, herbal ed supplements, and lube. Oh, the lube. I never would have thought I'd see product placement for lube where two gay characters sit around having a random conversation about the amazing qualities of this brand of lube.

English subs

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